Dry needling
Medical acupuncture which works into knots in the muscles to help with tension and spasm relief.
This is the western medical use of acupuncture needles. It can be a stand-alone treatment if requested but usually we use this alongside other techniques in Osteopathy appointments. It is very useful for muscle tension and spasms, and sprains to ligaments and tendons.
Does it hurt?
This is very hard to say as we all experience pain differently. The needles are very very fine (0.2-0.3mm thick). Most people describe an odd sensation, a feeling of warmth or a dull sensation which lasts for a short time. There is always the option to try one needle to see how you feel before progressing to more.
Please note: Dry needling is not acupuncture. Those seeking Acupuncture which is a complete system of healthcare should see an Acupuncturist who has trained on an accredited course.