Dancers health check
Learn about your body so you can dance smarter with fewer injuries
As a dancer, your body is a precious tool and the more you know about how it works the better you can control it and most importantly enjoy using it.
The aim of the session is to help you to understand your body in an anatomical and clinical perspective so that you can work with your body to dance smarter with fewer injuries. This session is suitable for dancers of all genres of dance from age 10 upwards.
The session lasts up to an hour and will include:
Getting to know you - your dance history, medical history, injury history, current training schedule, your aims/goals/ambitions.
Physical examination (please read the osteopathy section in out what to expect) – observing you moving, testing the joints and soft tissues, review of old injuries
Treatment (where relevant) of areas or issues which are going to help you reach your goals.
Advice – conditioning exercises specific to your needs, self-care advice relating to your time in and out of the studio.
Question time – this is your session which means you tell me what’s a priority for you, you are free to ask questions throughout