Helping Hands Health

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Foundations for long term health

It’s human nature to take things for granted until they fail.  Our own bodies are no exception.  I never cease to be amazed by the weird and wonderful ways our bodies will keep adapting and adjusting so that we can go on functioning day to day. 

Until?…. they just can’t anymore and people end up in my clinic room. It is often very clear that although ‘the pain’ started yesterday, the problem has building over a prolonged period of time, sometimes even decades. 

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a criticism at all it’s just the way things are.

Of course we don’t all have the time or inclination to be getting up at 5am and doing 2 hours of yoga followed by a supergreen juice, run to work, eat a perfectly balanced lunch we made the day before, swim home and then go to crossfit…... 

Even if we did all this stuff we wouldn’t be guaranteed to be pain free and tip top all the time.  

That said, when someone comes in with pain whether it’s in their joints, muscles or even headaches, I work backwards with people to figure out why they’ve ended up in this state.  Through our conversations together during treatment, I get to know people's daily habits, work situation, stressors, family set up…. You name it, it all contributes to our physical well being. 

Yes I give good general advice about regular exercise and a good diet but I find it’s the small things, specific to individuals which make the biggest difference to recovery and prevention of further episodes of the same complaint.  

When someone comes in I see this as them making a commitment to themselves and their health and I see myself as a partner in this. A sounding board, a listening ear, cheerleader and a guide to keep them on track. 

As people change jobs, set new targets, have children and grow older, so their physical and mental stresses and strains change too. 

I aim to know people well enough that I can adapt and change treatment and advice accordingly. 

Partners through disease to better health.

The content of this blog post is copyright of Holly Elliott registered osteopath 9607 trading as Helping Hands Health 15a Clayton Road, Jesmond, Newcaslte upon Tyne NE2 4RP.