1:2 Foam rolling : when to do it
If you haven’t read part one of this blog series then skip back to 1:1 where you’ll learn what foam rolling actually does for your body.
If you want to know when to use your foam roller then read on.
The perfect time to use a foam roller depends on what you’re trying to achieve.
I’ve divided the ‘when’ into 3 categories:
1. before exercise
2. during exercise
3. after exercise
In each section I explain what effect you’ll be having on your body.
Before exercise
Using your foam roller before you exercise will have the following effects on your body:
Self Myofascial Release (SMFR)
Increasing flexibility without decreasing strength
Increasing joint range of motion in the short term
I got this information from the following academic studies:
Acute effects of foam rolling on passive stiffness, stretch sensation and fascial sliding: A randomized controlled trial Human movement science 67 2019 Frieder Krause, Jan Wilke, Daniel Niederer, Lutz Vogt, & Winfried Banzer
Do exercises with the Foam Roller have a short-term impact on the thoracolumbar fascia? A randomized controlled trial Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 2017 (21) 186-193 Annika Griefahn, Jan Oehlmann, Christoff Zalpour, & Harry von Piekartz
Acute Effects of Foam Rolling, Static Stretching, and Dynamic Stretching During Warm-ups on Muscular Flexibility and Strength in Young Adults. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation Su H, Chang NJ, Wu WL, Guo LY, Chu IH. 2017 Nov;26(6):469-477
Acute Effects of Foam Rolling on Range of Motion in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review with Multilevel Meta‑analysis Sports Medicine 18th October 2019 Jan Wilke, Anna-Lena Müller, Florian Giesche, Gerard Power, Hamid Ahmedi, & David G. Behm
2. During exercise
Using your foam roller during an exercise session may have the following effects:
Enhance your strength and performance
Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
I got this information from the following academic studies:
The Effect of Foam Rolling on Recovery Between two Eight Hundred Metre Runs Journal of Human Kinetics 2017 June 57: 97-105 Antony D’Amico & Vincent Paolone
Effects of Foam Rolling on Vertical Jump Performance International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science 2015 Vol 3 No 3 Andrew Jones, Lee E. Brown, Jared W. Coburn, & Guillermo J. Noffal
The Effect of Foam Rolling for Three Consecutive Days on Muscular Efficiency and Range of Motion Sports Medicine - Open 2018 Lewis J. Macgregor, Malcolm M. Fairweather, Ryan M. Bennett, & Angus M. Hunter
3. After exercise
Using your foam roller after exercise can have the following effect:
Decreases Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
I got this information from the following academic study:
Foam rolling is an effective recovery tool in trained distance runners Sports Sciences for Health 2019 page 1-11 Emma J. Lee, Erik H. Van Iterson, Sarah E. Baker, Alexander J. Kasak, Natalie E. Taylor, ChoungHun Kang, Christopher J. Lundstrom, & Eric M. Snyder
Think about the outcome you’re aiming for with your foam rolling and that should help you determine the best time to use it for you.
Happy rolling!
This blog content is copyright of Helping Hands Health 15a Clayton Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE2 4RP